Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby Wearing

So I am wearing the ergo baby carrier today and each time I put baby Tommy in the carrier he falls asleep.  Its a good way to calm him down when he is cranky while remaining hands free.  However, I am missing out on taking my own naps this way.


  1. yes, this is the downfall of babywearing. can you slip him out and put him down for a nap? that's always a possibility...

    post pics when you can please! I'd love to see a pic of you babywearing.

    p.s. i'm glad you're keeping the ergo. I think you will come to be happy with your decision.

  2. Ok, you'll need to explain what an ergo carrier is. I'm guessing it's a $99 name for a backpack. Should have let us know. We could have given you a backpack that has water bottle holders on the side. They could easily be converted to milk bottle carriers. Does the ergo carrier have milk bottle holders? A hydro pack would be cool. Load the milk, load the baby, and off you go.
    Love Little Tom :)
