Monday, November 22, 2010

Hospital Honeymoon

I didn't want to leave the hospital since it was an oasis for me and baby Tommy.  It was a safe place where we could simply explore each other without the distractions of pets to take care of, mail to sort through, ect. my time with baby Tommy in the hospital was akin to a honeymoon.  The physical space of my hospital room was smaller than my house and so that meant that I didn't have so much "stuff" to distract my attention from my time with the baby. All I really needed in the hospital was a pitcher of water next to my bed, my burt's bees lip balm, and my iphone for calls, email and facebook.  While in the hospital, I took advantage of as much help as possible with breastfeeding and baby care. During the day, I would show off my new son to visitors and when the visitors went home, I had long nights ahead of me to explore and fall in love with my son.  It surprising felt like falling in love.  So very intimate and special.  I am truly blessed to have had this opportunity...  I will forever be grateful.

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