Monday, November 22, 2010

As Nature Intended

Since my labor and delivery did not go as I had imagined, it was more important to me than ever for breastfeeding to be successful.  While nursing my newborn son, I have the unique opportunity to get to know him in a very intimate way.  To watch the way his eyes flutter while he drifts off to sleep while nursing, the way his eyebrows raise while awaiting the milk flow, the way he squeaks as he swallows, the way he falls into a "milk coma" and lies on my chest completely satisfied and at peace after nursing. 

When he was first born, his face was so small and he would open his mouth so wide that he reminded me of a baby bird awaiting food from the mama bird. He was all mouth. I knew that I was following nature's plan.  My intuitions concerning nature's plan were further confirmed when we visited Maria, the lactation consultant, who reminded us that we are mammals, and as such, we follow certain primitive patterns that ensure our survival. She reminded me that as long as I listen to my intuition and let my baby be my guide, that I will find breastfeeding to come easy.  Of course, she helped me with the basic mechanics of a good latch, but above all she raised my confidence in myself as a mother who naturally had all the tools needed to care for my newborn son.

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