Saturday, October 2, 2010

Awaiting Baby Summers

38 1/2 weeks pregnant
Today we installed the car seat and I washed the newborn clothes. I never thought I would be superstitious, but I am. However, I'm getting anxious about the baby's arrival and want to be prepared in case he is born early.

Next on the list is to pack the hospital bag. I already made list of things I will pack such as my eye pillow, my favorite bed pillow, burts bees lip balm, bathing suit in hopes that I will have the chance to labor in the birthing tub.

Tuesday the crib and dresser are being delivered. We are keeping the animals out of the baby's room and so that will be the cleanest room in the house. I love my dog, but I'm really getting tired of all the dog hair everywhere. Our bedroom needs a complete cleaning before baby comes home.

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